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5 Tips For Choosing The Right Plastic Injection Molding Specialists

Trust Baytech Plastics

Your company has the designs for a product or part that is going make lives easier; it’s streamlined, elegant, efficient and you’ve thought of every possibility. Now you need the right injection molding company to manufacture it. But how do you choose the right plastic injection molding specialists? Here are some tips to help you through the process of narrowing your list of potential injection molding contract manufacturers.

Will They Protect Your Intellectual Property?

If you’ve designed something revolutionary, new or you’ve improved an old, standby part of product, you need to make sure your intellectual property is protected. Your plastic injection molding specialists should have strict guidelines on protecting the sensitive information that you share with that company. Ideally they would train and inform their employees on how to handle this sensitive information and keep it from being leaked to the compettion.

What Are Their Quality Certifications?

Do your plastic injection molding specialists have ISO certifications? ISO certification is a rigorous process that requires consistency, commitment and quality. ISO certifications, such as ISO 9001, shows a manufacturer is committed to producing a quality product. You should ask prospective manufacturers how long they’ve had their certification. This will give you an idea of how long they’ve been committed to manufacturing quality parts and products.

Can They Tool In-House?

There are many advantages to tooling in-house. The most important advantages are consistency and communication, and these two advantages go hand in hand. If you’re consistently working with the same manufacturer, from the design process, to tooling to the final run, you will ultimately have better communication with your contact person throughout the whole project. This allows you to change, improve, troubleshoot and review design-for-manufacturing issues more quickly. Imagine having to contacting 4 or 5 people if an issue arises, it would take so much longer to fix a problem and, as we all know, time is money.

How Many Machines Do They Offer?

Parts, products, production runs, and, of course, molds have a variety of parameters and sizes. Machines are categorized by tonnage; tonnage can range from single digit to tens of thousands. Your chosen plastic injection molding specialists should have enough machines to accommodate orders of different sizes and quantities.

How Does Your Plastic Injection Molding Specialists Respond To Demand Change?

Demand change is inevitable, so you need to know that your molding specialists can handle it. Demand forecasts are never perfect, and your bottom line is impacted by your suppliers response to this forecast. You want a manufacturer that can scale up or scale down as necessary to accommodate, sometimes frequent, and demand changes.

Plastic Injection Molding Specialists You Can Trust

Baytech Plastics are your plastic injection molding specialists. They mesh the latest technology, resin application and user requirements to develop the best product for your company. Contact Baytech Plastics for more information!