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7 Ways Plastics Contract Manufacturing Tops Metal Processes

Plastics Contract Manufacturing Advantages

Manufacturing processes are continually evolving based on available resources, production knowledge, and the manufacturing capabilities of the time. While metal used to be the preferred material, plastics now comes out on top. There are several advantages to plastics contract manufacturing over metals manufacturing processes that can result in cost savings and reduced labor needs.

How Plastics Contract Manufacturing Beats Metal

Reduced Weight. Plastics and plastic polymers weigh less than metals. Lighter weight parts and components cost less to transport – in both their raw material form and as a finished product.

Reduced Cost. Not only do plastics and plastic polymers cost less than metals, the plastic injection molding process is quicker than metals production, allowing manufacturers to make more parts per hour. According to the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, “In general, companies can expect to achieve an overall cost savings of 25% to 50% by converting to plastic parts.”

Design Flexibility. Since plastics are injected into molds in liquid form and then harden as they cool, engineers have much more design flexibility than they would with metals. Complex patterns and shapes are limited only by the injection mold and the polymer selected. In some cases, plastic parts can be consolidated, replacing multiple metal components.

Less Finishing. Plastic components do not need as much finishing as metal parts. There’s less burring, so less need to finish rough edges. Colors can be added to the plastic before it enters the mold, eliminating an entire step when compared to metallic production processes. Many resins are resistant to corrosion, which eliminates the need for secondary coats and finishes. All of this helps to rein in labor costs.

Impressive Durability. Metal used to be revered as being strong and durable, but plastics have caught up. Plastic parts are strong, lightweight, and easy to manipulate. Designs can be adapted to allow for built-in ribs, gussets, or reinforcement, which are then added during the injection molded plastics contract manufacturing process. Metal does not offer this advantage, often requiring post-production welding or fastening to enhance durability. Another advantage? Plastic won’t rust or oxidize like metals, which can weaken the component.

Recyclability. Plastic components that fail, outlive their usefulness, or become obsolete, can be melted down and re-purposed or re-used. This can cut down on raw materials costs when new components are ordered. Excess inventory or raw materials can easily be used in a different project. The recycling process for metals, particularly colored or corroded metals, is much more complicated.

Enhanced Safety. Plastics are impact and flame-resistant, like some metals, but unlike metals, they are non-conductive, making them a safer choice in certain applications.

Is Plastics Contract Manufacturing Right For You?

Plastics contract manufacturing offers many advantages that could pay off for your business. Find out if plastic parts and components are possible for your next project by contacting Baytech Plastics. We’ll put our engineers and designers to work problem-solving your project to see if we can save you time and money!

Call Baytech Plastics at (705) 526-7801 or contact us online to discuss your project with us today!