News & Blog:
Leveraging Plastics Contract Manufacturing

Is Finding A Contract Manufacturer for your Plastic Injection Molding Products Right for You?

Plastics contract manufacturing is an increasingly common way for businesses to produce their products or component parts for less cost, but for those that haven’t made the switch yet, there are often questions about best practices for leveraging plastics contract manufacturing. This is a smart question because the last thing you want to do is commit to a new way of manufacturing your products without knowing how or if the advantages will pay off.

Baytech Plastics has been partnering with companies to bring their products to market since the 1940’s. One of the first steps in our process is to examine the customer’s needs and share with them the ways our services and capabilities can help their business. We’ve found several consistencies over the years, which indicate the types of businesses that benefit most from leveraging plastics contract manufacturing, which we will share with you in this post.

5 Times Businesses Benefit From Leveraging Plastics Contract Manufacturing

  • The Business Is New. Businesses that are just starting out tend to have high start-up and operating costs with very little revenue coming in to pay for those costs. Partnering with a plastics contract manufacture makes sense in this situation because the business does not have the equipment or necessarily the people to produce products in-house. A partnership allows the business to save on equipment and personnel costs with the added bonus of not having to pay to produce products until an order is placed.
  • The Business Is Having Financial Challenges. Similar to point #1 above, businesses that are strapped for cash will have a hard time financing production. By outsourcing production to a contract manufacturing, a company can save on capital costs and operate under a just-in-time production model, which can also ease financial demands.
  • The Business Needs Outside Expertise. Sometimes, businesses want to create or improve a product, but don’t have the in-house capabilities to do so. Leveraging plastics contract manufacturing in these situations can help companies produce or improve products quicker than they could do on their own. By tapping into the experts on staff with the contract manufacturing partner, businesses eliminate the need to recruit and train new staff or waste time trying to perfect a product that the contract manufacturer has likely already seen and solved.
  • The Business Needs a Quick Solution. There is truth to the adage that time is money. Some businesses cannot afford to spend time in the trial and error phase of product design and production. Partnering with an experienced contract manufacturer can significantly speed up this process. Baytech Plastics has engineers and designers on staff, ready to make the ideas and concepts our customers bring us, a reality. This saves our customers time and money that would otherwise be spent in the trial and error phase.
  • The Business Has Uneven Demand Cycles. Businesses that experience uneven demand cycles can better meet their high season needs when they are leveraging plastics contract manufacturing. Having a solid production partner available to help you meet overflow demand will ensure your products are always available, no matter how popular they may be at a given time of year. When the season slows down, you can go back to producing products on your normal schedule.

How Can Baytech Plastics Help You Leverage Plastics Contract Manufacturing?

If you are experiencing production delays, wondering how you’re going to get a new product to market, or lack the ability to produce your products yourself, it’s time to talk to Baytech Plastics. Our partnership approach to plastics contact manufacturing means your business success is a direct reflection of our business success, and it’s one that we have spent over 70 years perfecting. We’ve worked with brand-new local businesses and established global companies to ease their production processes and boost their bottom lines. How can we help you?

Contact our team at (705) 526-7801 or online to discuss your project today!