A Trusted North American Contract Manufacturer
Businesses in search of low cost components usually turn their attention to China. China’s reputation for cheap manufacturing have made it a leading manufacturer around the world, but just because the country has a reputation for low cost manufacturing does not make it suitable for your needs.
Risks Of Partnering With An Overseas Manufacturer
While China may lure businesses with the promise of cheap labor, that’s just about the only upside; any cost savings can be quickly offset by damaged or defective parts, shipping delays, or quality problems. Even worse, any one of these situations can lead to you losing a client’s business for good, not to mention create irreparable damage to your reputation. Some of the risks you run by partnering with an overseas manufacturer are:
- Hidden Costs – That low-cost manufacturing quote may not be all it seems. It’s not unusual for bid prices to exclude shipping or duty costs, translation services, or international insurance. There are also costs associated with managing inventory that is overseas or in transit and costs associated with sending your own staff overseas to manage the process or mitigate problems.
- Quality Concerns – Low quality materials and/or workmanship is a major concern with overseas manufacturing. Low-cost materials protect Chinese profit margins but could spell doom for your product – or your entire business.
- Lack Of Legal Protection – China does not have the same legal protection as Canada. It is very hard to take legal action against Chinese manufacturers if a problem arises. Even more panic-inducing: domestic patent laws don’t apply in China. There’s nothing to protect your product or intellectual property from being sold to the highest bidder or outright copied.
- Delays – The simple fact that China is half a world away make delays an inherent part of doing business. Turnaround times and shipping schedules are unreliable and there’s not much you can do about it from across the globe.
- Miscommunication – Don’t overlook the risk of miscommunication due to language barriers. Such problems can impact product quality or require repeated visits by your engineers to the manufacturing site in order to correct and oversee production.
Eliminate These Risks By Partnering With A Plastic Moulding Company In Ontario
By partnering with our plastic moulding company in Ontario you can eliminate all of these risks. Since your component is being produced in Canada there are no hidden shipping costs to worry about. You’ll also get your product quicker, we are within a day’s drive of half of the U.S. and Canadian markets and we have two facilities that each run three shifts, meaning we can work 24/7 on your product.
The quality of our products speaks for itself. We have many customers who have been with us for decades because they know they can trust us to get the job done right, on time, and at the quality level they expect. In addition to our own internal audit procedures, we welcome your engineers and project management staff to visit our facilities and observe our processes for themselves.
Since our plastic moulding company is located in Ontario, we are easily accessible to you too. We offer engineering design and support from concept through final production. If you need to change or improve your design, these value-added engineering services can help you do it and you can even meet with us in-person.
Unless you’re running large volume orders of low-quality products, overseas manufacturing probably isn’t right for you. Most smaller manufacturers require very specialized materials, very little secondary processing, and small to mid-sized runs. The literal and figurative costs of sending this business to China are often too high to warrant the choice.
To find out just how affordable it can be to partner with a trusted plastic moulding company in Ontario, contact us at 705-526-7801 to schedule a visit or email us to obtain a quote.