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Trust Baytech Plastics for Eco-Friendly Contract Plastics Manufacturer in Canada

As an eco-friendly contract plastics manufacturer in Canada, sustainability and minimizing the environmental impacts of doing business are central to our philosophy at Baytech Plastics. We have implemented many processes into our business that aim to minimize the environmental impact of plastics manufacturing for the benefit of our customers and our planet.

Our Sustainability Efforts

Baytech Plastics operates under a Total Quality philosophy. In regard to environmental commitments, this means:

  • Meeting or exceeding all applicable environmental laws and regulations.
  • Controlling any adverse environmental impacts of our operations, products, and processes.
  • Creating systems and processes to detect and report adverse environmental risks and events to management quickly.
  • Empowering employees to adopt and integrate best environmental practices through appropriate systems and training.

We have adopted several processes to ensure these efforts are supported within the company.

  • Waste Reduction. 99% of our plastic scrap is recaptured and reused back into products and in-house recycling programs reduce other waste. We order in bulk to reduce transit pollution and to reduce the amount of packaging required for smaller orders.
  • As a manufacturer of medical devices and consumer goods, we already source non-toxic materials and will continue to do so. As new, more eco-friendly resins and bio-composite materials emerge, we explore their applicability in our applications and are increasingly using products made from recycled or reprocessed materials with great success.
  • Local Operations. Our location in Ontario, Canada is close to major distribution centers which reduces our customers’ carbon footprint by eliminating the need for overseas transport of their plastic components.
  • ISO 9001 Certification. Our ISO certification provides an independent third-party review of our processes and systems, ensuring we meet quality and production standards and best practices.
  • Technology Investments. Our investments in computer systems and robotics help minimize the waste that can occur in contract plastics manufacturing and packaging. We use computerized systems and robotics to perfect designs and develop production runs that maximize outputs with minimal waste.
  • Facility Investments. Our office and production facilities have all been updated to incorporate eco-friendly practices and with an eye toward sustainability. For example, we have taken advantage of Canada’s cool climate to reduce our energy costs by using the latest technologies that incorporate natural cooling. We are also enrolled in the Province of Ontario’s energy saving program, use Low-E lighting throughout our facilities, use computerized power management systems to reduce our power usage, and use reusable packaging extensively.

Today’s Efforts Are Not The End Of Our Commitment To The Environment

Baytech Plastics operates under the kaizen philosophy of continuous improvement. Everyone at Baytech is dedicated to reducing our carbon footprint and minimizing the environmental impact of plastics manufacturing – and we are always seeking new ways of doing it. As new technologies and products emerge, we will be right there learning about them and implementing the ones that will help us to further reduce our impact and maintain our status as an eco-friendly contract plastics manufacturer in Canada.

To learn more about our operations and services, contact Baytech Plastics at (705) 526-7801 or online.