Full Service

Customer Focused

Full service is an industry buzz word everybody seems to use but few actually incorporate in their DNA. What is full service? At Baytech Plastics Inc full service covers all usual expectations related to production capabilities but goes much further. We believe the customer has the right to expect the telephone will get answered by a personable human being that genuinely cares and can provide real time accurate information.

We believe getting back to someone means exactly that “we will get back to you”. We will step out of our comfort zone and embrace new systems to support you, an example of this is training our people on your custom MRP Systems. We believe the customer has the right to increase/decrease orders, change ship dates and we will accommodate where truly possible without groaning, we understand the business world today.

We foster the idea of collaborative development cycle with multiple disciplines. Baytech Plastics Inc supports cross functional teams with respective disciplines between Baytech and the customer. We promote open lines of communication. We share information openly and honestly to promote fast track development timelines. We protect intellectual property and limit access to facilities ensure confidentiality.

We pay attention to industry trends not only ours but yours as well. We attend trade shows to support our customers again to follow trends and work the trade show in some cases our customer’s booth.

We approach business opportunities with an open mind to better the fit between customer and Baytech Plastics Inc.

Our dedicated program management professionals will oversee all steps of plastic component creation, including:

  • Design for manufacture
  • Resin selection
  • Global sourcing
  • Prototyping
  • Program management
  • Manufacturing
  • Cost reduction initiatives
  • Custom Paint
  • Finishing
  • Assembly
  • Value stream mapping
  • Testing and validation
  • Packaging
  • Warehousing
  • Delivery
  • Dedicated account management